
Repair water damaged drywall

How can I repair the water damage to this drywall ceiling? The source of the water leak has been fixed. There is blown-in insulation above it. I’ll try to upload a picture from photobucket. Can you upload the picture of your drywall. Which side of the drywall is damaged. My advice is this totally change […]


How to use one vertical or two horizontal doorways?

I need to drywall 4 doorways 2 are 8’x 4′ should I use one sheet vertical or 2 sheets horizontal? the doors are 32″. Yes you can use sheets horizontal but you should consult some expert to have a better idea. Related posts: Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s Screws Seam cracks, how to fix […]


Seam cracks, how to fix them so they don’t crack again?

Finishing off a basement and the people who hung the sheetrock didn’t stagger wall seams. I have put mud on sanded and now textured. The problem is when I came back the next day there was hair line cracks in the 8′ butt seams. Is there any way to fix it so it doesn’t crack […]



How many screws do you use per drywall sheet? I use 5 per stud personally on 16 inch on center studs that is 6 studs per sheet which comes out to 30 screws per sheet. Related posts: Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s


Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s

I need to lower my basement ceiling height about an inch due to plumbing. So I would like to run 2 by 4s across my floor joist to lower my ceiling than hang sheetrock. I don’t know if this will be strong enough. Can I hang 5/8 sheet rock on 2 by 4s in my […]