The house that I purchased this year includes a garden shed, built in 1984, and the interior of it was never finished. It has 2×4 wall studs on 24″ centers. I am finishing it out, however, the only wall insulation batting I can find for 24″ centers is R-19,…meant to be used with 2×6 studs […]
Welcome to the drywall questions page. Throughout your home improvement project you may run into some drywall questions that we have not addressed or you may want to ask the Drywall How To community a question about their experience. This website is full of our ideas and experiences. But what we would really love is to have your ideas and experiences. Share your personal stories, photos, the ups and downs of your home improvement project. Or simply ask any questions you may have. Show the world what we have accomplished. Or simply ask any questions you may have. As always good luck on your project and we look forward to hearing from you.
Is there a difference between drywall and Sheetrock?
What is drywall?
How much does it cost to install 1000 square feet of drywall?
How much does a sheet of drywall cost?
What is cheaper than drywall?
Is drywall hard to install?
Can I put a screw directly into drywall?
What happens to drywall if it gets wet?
How expensive is drywall?
Do expensive homes use drywall?
How much does it cost to drywall a 12x12 room?
How long does it take to drywall a 12x12 room?
What is Sheetrock vs drywall?
How long does it take to hang drywall?
How to price a drywall job?
Is it cheaper to do drywall yourself?
How to fix a wall without drywall?
Should drywall touch the floor?
Should drywall be nailed or screwed?
Do you start drywall with ceiling or walls?
Do I really need drywall anchors?
Should drywall be glued and screwed?
Can you drill into drywall without a stud?
How long does drywall last?
What do the different colors of drywall mean?
How much is drywall for a 2000 sq ft house?
How much would it cost to drywall a 1500 sq ft house?
What is cheaper than drywall?
What do old houses have instead of drywall?
What are the disadvantages of drywall?
What does a good drywall job look like?
How long does it take to drywall a 2000 sq ft house?
How do I estimate a drywall job?
How much does labor cost to install drywall?
How many inches should drywall be off the floor?
How many 4x8 sheets of drywall do I need?
How many sheets of drywall do I need for a 10x10 room?
Can you paint drywall?
How much would it cost to drywall a 1500 sq ft house?
Can one person hang drywall?
How much drywall do I need for a 2000 sq ft house?
Is drywall and Sheetrock the same thing?
How many sheets of drywall for a 1500 sq ft house?
How much does it cost to mud and tape drywall per square foot?
How much does it cost to finish 1000 square feet of drywall?
Which is cheaper, plywood or drywall?
How hard is it to hang your own drywall?
How do I estimate a small drywall job?
Is it cheaper to do drywall or paneling?
What is a cheaper option than drywall?
Can I repair drywall myself?
Why do you need a gap between floor and drywall?
What not to do when installing drywall?
Should I use anchors or studs for drywall?
Do you screw drywall into every stud?
Why can't you hang drywall vertically?
When putting up drywall, where do you start?
Can I screw into drywall without an anchor?
How much weight can drywall hold without anchors?
Is it better to use screws or nails for drywall?
Should you use liquid nails when hanging drywall?
How to attach a 2x4 to drywall without studs?
Is it okay to put new drywall over old drywall?
How to tell if drywall needs to be replaced?
Do I need to replace drywall that has mold?
Can mold behind drywall make you sick?
Is purple drywall better than green drywall?
What are the 5 levels of drywall?
How much drywall is needed for a 3000 sq ft house?
What's the difference between Sheetrock and drywall?
What is the cost of 1 sheet of drywall?
Is there anything better than drywall?
How to tell if your walls are plaster or drywall?
Why do they call drywall Sheetrock?
Why isn't all drywall Sheetrock?
Is Sheetrock a brand name for drywall?
Is ceiling drywall different from wall drywall?
What's better, Sheetrock or drywall?
What did old houses use instead of drywall?
Why is drywall bad?
What is the nickname for drywall?
What is the old version of drywall?
What do Americans call drywall?
What is better, green or purple drywall?
What is the purple drywall used for?
What happens if you paint drywall without primer?
Are you supposed to mud the whole drywall?
What is the difference between drywall and Sheetrock?
Can I use 1/2-inch drywall on a ceiling?
What thickness of drywall is best?
How do I tell if I have plaster or drywall?
What happens to old drywall?
What ruins drywall?
Is drywall dust cancerous?
How bad is drywall for your lungs?
What is a drywall guy called?
What do Brits call drywall?
What is a fancy name for drywall?
What is the new product replacing drywall?
Why does America use so much drywall?
Can mold grow on purple drywall?
How long can drywall be wet before mold?
What happens if you paint over wet drywall?
What is cheaper, Sheetrock or drywall?
Is Sheetrock stronger than drywall?
What did they use for walls instead of drywall?
Is lightweight drywall as good as regular drywall?
What kind of drywall do you use for walls?
What is the generic name for drywall?
Why do Americans call it drywall?
How many sheets of drywall do I need for 2000 square feet?
Is drywall difficult to install?
Is anything cheaper than drywall?
What are the steps to drywalling?
Can I do drywall myself?
How to properly hang drywall?
Should you hang drywall vertically or horizontally?
What not to do when drywalling?
Do I need to mud the entire drywall?
Why do you leave a gap at the bottom of drywall?
Is there a wrong way to hang drywall?
Should you leave a gap between drywall sheets?
Do you drywall or ceiling first?
Do you stagger drywall when hanging?
Does drywall have to end on a stud?
How many screws per sheet of drywall?
What are two common mistakes made during drywalling?
What does a bad drywall job look like?
Why don't people hang drywall vertically?
What happens if I don't tape drywall seams?
Is two coats of drywall mud enough?
How much should I pay for drywall finishing?
How thick should drywall be for walls?
Why does drywall not go to the floor?
How much does it cost to drywall a 10x10 room?
How many screws go into a 4x8 sheet of drywall?
How high off the floor should drywall be?
Why do people double layer drywall?
Should drywall joints be lined up?
When drywalling a room, where do you start?
Does it matter which way you lay drywall?
What is the best pattern to hang drywall?
Why do you start at the top when hanging drywall?
Should drywall be butted tight?
How far apart should I put screws in drywall?
What is the code for screw spacing for drywall?
Does it matter which way you run drywall?
Do you start at the top or bottom when hanging drywall?
Should you leave a gap between sheets of drywall?
Why not run drywall vertically?
How do you tell if you have bad drywall?
How to tell if drywall is done well?
How to fix a bad drywall mud job?
Why do you drywall the ceiling first?
Do you mud over drywall tape immediately?
Is paper tape or mesh tape better for drywall seams?
How long to let drywall mud dry before the second coat?
How long should drywall mud be between layers?
Is it cheaper to skim coat or replace drywall?
What do drywallers charge per hour?
Should I use 1/2 or 5/8 drywall for walls?
Why hang top drywall first?
Is 1/2 inch drywall okay for a ceiling?
What is the most popular drywall size?
Should drywall go all the way to the subfloor?
How much is labor to hang drywall per sheet?
How much does 500 sq ft of drywall cost?
In what order do you finish drywall?
What are the stages of drywall taping?
What goes on before drywall?
Do drywall seams have to be taped?
Do you have to mud drywall twice?
How to install drywall step by step?
How do you tape drywall for beginners?
What happens if you don't tape drywall?
Should drywall touch the subfloor?
Should there be a gap between drywall and subfloor?
Is it better to use mesh or paper drywall tape?
Can you put too many screws in drywall?
Can you use too much drywall mud?
In what order should you finish drywall?
How do you finish drywall step by step?
Is it okay to overlap drywall tape?
Do you leave a gap between drywall sheets?
Do you hang drywall vertically or horizontally?
Do I drywall the ceiling first?
Is it better to wet drywall tape before applying?
How many coats of tape to use on drywall?
Do you mud over drywall tape?
How to hide drywall seams without mud?
Do all drywall seams have to be taped?
Why not hang drywall vertically?
Do you need to leave a gap between the floor and drywall?
Do drywall edges need to be on studs?
Is it OK to install drywall backwards?
Can I start drywall at the bottom?
What is the correct way to install drywall?
What are the 5 levels of drywall finish?
What is the proper way to mud and tape drywall?
How do you prep a wall before drywall?
Should you wet drywall tape before applying it?
What happens if you don't mud and tape drywall?
Should I fill gaps in drywall before taping?
Why do you add dish soap to drywall mud?
How long do you have to leave drywall mud before sanding?
How long do you wait between coats of drywall mud?
How far apart should screws be in drywall?
What is drywall used for?
What type of drywall do I use?
Is gypsum the same as drywall?
What are the disadvantages of using drywall?
What is needed to install drywall?
What kind of drywall for a bathroom?
What kind of drywall for a bedroom?
What happens if drywall gets wet?
How long does it take to drywall a 1500 sq ft house?
How much should I budget for drywall?
How much does it cost to drywall 1000 square feet?
How much drywall do I need for a 12x12 room?
How long should a drywall job take?
Can a beginner hang drywall?
Do you install drywall on ceiling or walls first?
What type of drywall for a bathroom?
What is the most common drywall for walls?
What is cheaper than drywall?
Should I use 1/2 or 5/8 drywall in my bathroom?
Should I use mold-resistant drywall in the bathroom?
How do I know what drywall to buy?
What is regular drywall called?
Should I use 5/8 or 1/2 drywall?
What is the most popular drywall?
Are you supposed to leave a gap between drywall?
What is the new material that replaces drywall?
Is drywall the cheapest wall covering?
What is the standard drywall for homes?
How often should drywall be replaced?
Will mold always grow on wet drywall?
Is there a difference between Sheetrock and drywall?
How much drywall is needed for a 2000 sq ft house?
How much is 500 square feet of drywall?
How many square feet does a 5-gallon bucket of drywall mud cover?
What size drywall do you use in a house?
How much is drywall work per hour?
How long to finish a house after drywall is installed?
Why use drywall instead of wood?
Why do houses need drywall?
What is standard drywall used for?
Should I use drywall or plywood?
Do you put anything over drywall?
What is the point of drywall?
Do interior walls have to be drywall?
What to look for when buying drywall?
Why do people use drywall instead of plywood?
What is drywall weakness?
How long does drywall last in a house?
What is replacing drywall?
Do you drywall the ceiling or wall first?
How messy is installing drywall?
Is drywall supposed to touch the floor?
Do you need to replace drywall if there's mold?
Is it better to use 1/2 or 5/8 drywall?
What is the best thickness of drywall for ceilings?
What is the most commonly used drywall?
How do I know what drywall I need?
Is there a difference in drywall quality?
Is it cheaper to use drywall or paneling?
How much does 1000 sq ft of drywall cost?
How much would it cost to drywall and finish a 1500 sq ft house?
Is gyprock the same as drywall?
What is the most common drywall used?
Is it better to plaster or drywall?
How do I tell if my walls are plaster or drywall?
Why use drywall instead of plywood?
What is the best drywall for a bathroom?
What type of drywall for a bedroom?
What type of drywall for basement?
What is the difference between drywall and gyprock?
Why won’t my screws stay in the drywall?
What is the life expectancy of drywall?
How to tell if your wall is drywall?
Why use plaster instead of drywall?
Is it better to hang pictures in plaster or drywall?
Does drywall have asbestos?
Is it OK to put drywall over plywood?
Is it okay to leave drywall unpainted?
Does unused drywall go bad?
Is it okay to use regular drywall in a bathroom?
Can I use regular drywall above a shower?
Do you need a vapor barrier behind drywall in a bathroom?
Is there a difference between ceiling drywall and regular drywall?
Is it okay to use regular drywall in a basement?
How to tell if a wall is drywall or plaster?
What drywall do I use for walls?
What kind of drywall should I use in a bathroom?
What is standard residential drywall?
Why do drywallers use nails instead of screws?
Is it better to screw into studs or drywall?
How much weight can drywall hold without an anchor?
How do you get screws to stay in drywall without studs?
What’s better, drywall or plaster?
Should you keep plaster walls or replace with drywall?
How do I know if drywall needs to be replaced?
How often should you change drywall?
Do I have drywall or solid wall?
How do I know if I have drywall or studs?
Is it a good idea to put drywall over plaster?
Is it OK to hang pictures on drywall?
Is it better to screw into drywall or plaster?
Is there anything toxic in drywall?
When was asbestos banned in drywall in Canada?
What is regular drywall used for?
Why do we use drywall instead of plaster?
Is drywall necessary?
Can you drywall a bathroom?
Can you put drywall directly over plywood?
Can I use shiplap instead of drywall?
Why drywall ceiling first?
What happens if you drywall without tape?
Why are we still using drywall?
Does drywall touch the floor?
Can I put up plywood instead of drywall?
How can I cover my walls without drywall?
Can I use paneling instead of drywall?
Will drywall crack in an unheated house?
Should I replace drywall myself?
Is regular drywall OK for shower ceiling?
What do you put between the shower and drywall?
Do I need two coats of primer on new drywall?
What material is better than drywall?
Can I use normal drywall in a bathroom?
How do I tell if my wall is plaster or drywall?
Is it cheaper to drywall or plaster?
What is the best adhesive for plywood to drywall?
What do you put behind drywall?
Can I just screw into drywall?
Does drywall have to fit perfectly?
Where should you not use drywall screws?
How many square feet are in a 4x8 sheet of drywall?
Do I need a gap between drywall sheets?
Does it matter which side of drywall you use?
Where do you start when finishing drywall?
Is there a proper way to hang drywall?
Is it better to hang drywall vertically or horizontally?
Can you put too much mud on drywall?
How to hide a bad drywall job?
What happens if you don't stagger drywall?
Why does drywall have to be staggered?
Is drywall tape absolutely necessary?
What thickness drywall is used in Canada?
What thickness drywall is normally used on walls?
How much gap between drywall is OK?
How many sheets of drywall do I need for a 12x12 room?
How many rolls of tape for 100 sheets of drywall?
How many square feet are in a 4x8 sheet of drywall?
Can you hang drywall wrong?
Do you drywall floor or ceiling first?
How many coats of drywall mud over tape?
Can you finish drywall in one day?
Can you tape and finish drywall in one day?
How thick should mud be over drywall tape?
Is it OK to leave drywall unfinished?
Do I sand between coats of drywall mud?
Do you mud over the entire drywall?
Should I caulk between drywall and floor?
How much space do you leave between drywall?
Should I put plywood behind drywall?
What are the steps in putting up drywall?
Is drywall supposed to go all the way to the floor?
Can I paint directly over drywall?
How many coats of mud should you put on drywall?
What is the trick to mudding drywall?
Do you paint on drywall?
Is it hard to hang drywall?
How much does it cost to drywall a house in Canada?
How much does it cost to drywall 500 square feet?
How much drywall do I need for 1200 sq ft?
How much does 100 sq ft of drywall cost?
How much is labor to finish drywall?
How do I quote a drywall job?
How many screws do you put in a sheet of drywall?
Are drop ceilings cheaper than drywall?
How much does it cost to drywall a 12 by 12 room?
How much drywall for a 24x24 garage?
What happens if you don't mud drywall?
What happens if you don't use primer on new drywall?
How long does it take for drywall to dry before primer?
Why do you need 3 coats of drywall mud?
How much drywall do I need for a 3,000 sq ft house?
How much drywall needed for 1,000 square feet?
How long is drywall supposed to last?
Are you supposed to paint over drywall?
Will drywall dry on its own?
How long to drywall a 2000 square foot house?
How much drywall for a 3,000 sq ft house?
How many sheets of drywall for a 2500 sq ft house?
How many sheets of drywall do I need for 1000 square feet?
How much does labor cost to hang and finish drywall per square foot?
Should I hang drywall myself?
Do you install flooring or drywall first?
Is it better to install drywall vertically or horizontally?
Do you hang top or bottom drywall first?
Why shouldn't drywall touch the floor?
How much does it cost to mud and tape drywall?
How much drywall mud do I need for a 12x12 room?
How much drywall mud do I need for 1000 square feet?
How much should I charge to hang a sheet of drywall?
What is the average labor cost for drywall finishing?
How much drywall for a 2000 sq ft house?
How far apart should I screw drywall?
Should drywall be screwed to every stud?
How many screws are in a 4x8 sheet of drywall?
Is drywall a concrete or wood?
Why do we use drywall instead of wood?
How do I know if my wall is drywall?
Why is drywall so weak?
Is drywall good for a house?
Are all walls in a house drywall?
Why is drywall bad for the environment?
Does drywall need to be plastered?
Can you mount a TV on drywall?
Is drywall and gyprock the same thing?
Why is drywall bad for you?
Can I use cement board instead of drywall?
How long should it take to drywall a house?
Should you replace drywall in an old house?
What goes behind drywall?
Can I drywall my own house?
Can a painter replace drywall?
Can you use pegboard instead of drywall?
Is drywall toxic to humans?
Can you plaster directly over drywall?
Can you paint over drywall without plaster?
How much weight can drywall hold a TV?
How much weight can drywall hold?
Why use drywall instead of concrete?
Is drywall more expensive than wood?
Should old drywall be replaced?
Perlite ceiling that is peeling
I have a perlite ceiling that is peeling away. I have removed the peeling and I am left with bare spots What is the best way to repair it besides sanding Related posts: Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s Screws Can I install drywall directly over foil faced insulation? Drywall paper peeled
Drywall paper peeled
I have a question I’m hoping to get some help with, and even more, hoping you will tell me what I want to hear! I live in a 40+ year old home . It appears that the original contractors who built the house applied wall paper directly to the drywall, instead of priming/painting first. Now […]
Can I install drywall directly over foil faced insulation? Related posts: Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s Screws Seam cracks, how to fix them so they don’t crack again? How to use one vertical or two horizontal doorways?
I just bought a home that is 1008 square feet, how much drywall do I need to re-drywall the home? Related posts: Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s Screws Seam cracks, how to fix them so they don’t crack again? How to use one vertical or two horizontal doorways?
Taper to cut joint or cut to cut?
I understand the value of having tapered joints however the project iam going to be doing is replacing the bottom two feet of drywall in a basement so I will have a butt joint all the way around. So given the fact that the top piece will be cut should I use the tapered edge […]
Having removed the existing dry wall, I found pieces of dry wall off cuts placed behind the existing dry wall, extending from the floor upwards for about 18-24″ between the vertical framing pieces of 2×4. Do you have any idea as to why was this done? Related posts: Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s Screws […]
Paint Ready Finish
I’ve recently had approx 2500 sq ft of drywall installed in a basement reno. The contract stated the drywall to be completed to “paint ready finish”. My painter is requesting additional fees since the new drywall wasn’t blended into existing drywall along the stairs that have a sand/plaster texture. Painter is stating paint ready should […]
Wondering if there are any guidelines as to when you should provide a block/nailer for drywall on a ceiling. I ask because my ceiling is framed 24″ oc and it seems that one screw every 24″ around the perimeter might be too little. Is that assumption correct? Or, should I put a nailer in between […]
I have a wall that got wet from a plumbing leak. Will the drywall eventually dry out or will it have to be replaced? Related posts: Hanging ceiling on 2 by 4s Screws Seam cracks, how to fix them so they don’t crack again? How to use one vertical or two horizontal doorways?